Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well I am a hopelessly bad at remembering to blog so I am going to try and write down what we are doing but if I forget forgive me :)

Anyway, yesterday we watched U-571. Great movie we talked about WWII and the U-boats. I think the movie was a bit unrealistic and we talked about that too. In looking up some battles of U-boats my ds noticed the coordinates and was asking about them...considering I really forgot how to do coordinates we had to go on an online hunt for the instructions. We found our coordinates to our home and some large landmarks around our neighborhood. He was also wondering why some have a negative number....not really sure I guess I'll be looking that up today. No plans on what we are going to do today I guess we will see where things take us. The little ones are into stickers right everything seems to be getting a sticker stuck to it. My ds2 made a great picture using smiley face stickers he had a ton of fun doing it to. We need to organize the toy shelf today I don't know when it got out of hand but it did! Too many homeschooling books I guess.

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